The fateful event happened two weeks ago.... I lost all my data.
Lesson number one, of course is: back up your files!
Lesson number two?
Taking a day or two (or three or four) off from the computer can give you a chance to focus on the "big picture" rather than your daily or weekly "to-do" list. Or, in other words, it gives you a chance to sit back and survey the "forest" instead of always focusing on the "trees."
Two weeks ago, I'd planned to finish up a composing project, getting it ready for publication. But without a computer, I decided to read a marketing book I'd been meaning to start - Attracting Perfect Customers, the Power of Strategic Synchronicity, by Stacey Hall and Jan Brogniez.
The first step they suggested for getting yourself "synchronized" was to list your values and define your mission in life.
Seven months ago, graduating from coaching school and setting up my practice, I'd come up with a mission, or purpose statement that seemed right:
The purpose of my life is to live with passion and open-hearted awareness, and to inspire others to do the same by digging deep into their soul and discovering the Truth.Although this still feels right, it seems a little vague and airy-fairy now. The re-evaluation process brought me to a more specific focus:
My mission is to help others grow into their potential so they can live their purpose.This statement combines teaching and coaching, giving a unified purpose to what I do. Also, it's exactly what I've doing too, personally and business-wise. You know, they say.... the best way to learn something is to teach it..... Well, here I am.
Here's to continuing the Journey.... surviving crash courses and teaching what you need to learn!