Thursday, July 23, 2009

Best Laid Plans....

Okay... I have to admit temporary defeat....

I was really excited about getting my new CD out (Soul Meditations)... but I ran into some technical difficulties I couldn't handle myself. So I had to ask for help!

And that brings up other people's schedules and other people's lives, and....

So it's probably safe to say that the CD will not be ready until mid-August. But that's okay. It feels a little more relaxed than trying to have it ready by this coming Monday - even for me! :)

To get to this place though, I had to give myself "a talking to"....

It's been one of those blah-blah-icky days where I couldn't seem to get myself motivated to do much beyond what absolutely needed to be done.

So, I went out to the pavillion in my backyard - my outdoor "sanctuary" - and sat myself down and said, "HEY! What's going on??"

First of all, I didn't know exactly how I felt besides "yuck." And I knew I needed a little more to go on to get to the bottom of this, so I asked myself, "What ARE you feeling?" and started making a list...
  • lethartic
  • concerned about $
  • nervous/apprehensive about tonight's meetup
  • unsure what to do about the CD launch - still waiting to hear back from helpers
Just in writing this list, I realized that the real issue was being in limbo about the CD project, which was really a control issue.... I didn't feel in control of the project anymore.

So I asked, "What can I do that would make me feel better about this, and feel more in control?"
  • go ahead and change the launch date to mid-August on my website
  • let everybody know about the change in plans
Funny.... When you're feeling stuck, the culprit just about always revolves around some sort of decision that needs to be made. And once you finally decide one way or the other, taking action is easy. AND best of all... it gets you out of "yuck." :)

Here's to continuing the Journey... making plans, course-correcting as needed... getting feelings out on the table... and moving forward!


Monday, July 20, 2009

Soul Meditations

I'm very excited that my new CD is almost ready - Soul Meditations for Relaxation, Reflection, and Inspiration. This has been on my "to-do list" for over 7 months.... and the launch date is scheduled for next Monday :) I still have to finish the Guidebook that goes along with it and finalize the CD mastering.

Most of the Meditations were created for clients of and with a little editing, I'm honored to showcase them in this new album.

The Guidebook is an important part of the musical experience of this CD. It's filled with ideas, activities, and suggestions that will deepen and enhance the listener's experience, and turn each Soul Meditation into their own personal self-growth tool.

I got the sample audios loaded up late last night and just set up a Pre-Launch Sale page..... I'm jazzed! :)

Here's to continuing the Journey.... finally seeing a long-time goal to it's (near) completion... and grateful for the opportunities to share my music and passion....


Thursday, July 02, 2009

Today I Danced Naked

I have just returned from a weeklong intensive with 10 other beautiful women..... All I can say is.... WOW... What an awesome, life-changing week!

We laughed and cried and danced, shared our stories and our pain, and championed each other to see the beauty in our Selves. It wasn't always easy, comfortable, or fun. But we all did it. And we all emerged as changed women... more confident, more loving toward ourselves, more whole.

I highly recommend this experience to every female person on the planet. (see link for more info below)

This morning I wrote this poem in honor of those 10 women and our week together. And I dedicate it to all women everywhere.

Today I danced naked
in celebration of my beautiful sisters who taught me to love my body;
Who saw the beauty in me when I could not
and held up a mirror in a way that I could see too...
and believe.

Today I danced naked
for all the times I could not dance
and the times I couldn't even stand naked;
For all the women who are still afraid to dance
and for those who still hide from their True Femininity...
and Power.

Today I danced naked
for all the pain and abuse we have lived in this lifetime
and in lifetimes past;
For all my sisters everywhere who still live in pain and oppression
in that dungeon of fear...
and self-loathing.

Today I danced naked
to bring forth better times and a deeper understanding
of who we are as Sacred Sisters;
To call in the beauty and wholeness and wisdom
of the Goddess Energy in all of us...
our Divine Feminine.

In celebration of my Self,
I dance naked today and tomorrow
and into Eternity;
For the beautiful, luscious, juicy, sensual Women that we are,
that our Light may shine brightly and courageously as we go forth and live...
our Truth.

(c) 2009 Becky Waters

Here's to continuing the journey.... dancing, loving, healing.... honoring ourselves and the gifts we embody.


P.S. for more info about this extraordinary workshop click here