Basically, the premise is this:
If you want to get more out of your life - be happier, more fulfilled, more at peace, etc - you must learn to tell the Truth to yourself and to others.
Tell The Truth.... Keep your word. Period.
During the course of the weekend, we were given several chances to keep our word. On Friday night, we all agreed to certain "disciplines" that we would keep throughout the weekend such as, be on time, not bring any candy or gum into the room, not talk to our neighbors during the session, not say certain cuss words, and many others. Then, at various points throughout the course, we were questioned on whether we had kept these disciplines or not.
This all seemed rather silly and a little "overboard" that first night. But by the end of the training, I got it.
I also discovered, much to my embarrassment, that I often make excuses for myself, insisting on the "gray area" as a cover to the fact that I did NOT follow through on what I said I would do. In the workshop, I did not tell the truth about following these disciplines exactly. I did not keep my word 100% of the time. Instead, I chose to hide out in the "gray area."
Truth is, I did bring candy into the room..... But I didn't do it on purpose! I didn't even realize it was in my purse until half way through the workshop! (... Notice the "gray area"...)
But neither did I check my purse to make sure there was none there after giving my word to not bring candy into the room. AND once I discovered it, I did not bother to take it out of my purse!
The "gray area" begins with excuses - excuses for why we didn't follow through on what we said we'd do. They often lead with our "buts":
- I know I said I'd do so-and-so, but....
- I meant to be on time, but....
- But, I didn't realize.... I didn't know....
- I was going to, but....
- I know the candy's there, but....
.... but I'm too embarrassed now to say anything. Besides, who's going to know?
Nobody - except me. I know that I did not have enough backbone to stand up and tell the Truth. How many other times have I done this in my life? Way too many.
How about you? How's your word? Are you telling the Truth to others? To yourself? Or are you hiding behind your embarrassment? Leading with your "buts"?
The candy is out of my purse now. I keep it in the cup holder of my car so that I can see it and be reminded to tell the Truth. Always. Period.
Here's to continuing the Journey, telling the Truth... and finding More to Life....
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