Monday, April 11, 2005

Happy Birthday, Dad

Oops.... Except that it's not on April 11th, it's April 16th!

For some reason, I've always gotten Dad's birthday mixed up with Anita North's birthday. It's Anita who was born on April 11. Dad was born on April 16.

This all might make a lot more sense if Anita and I had been friends all these years. But I haven't seen her since grade school, though I may have run into her once during highschool. Back in third grade, though, we along with Mary Ann, were quite a threesome.

It's funny the things we remember from childhood and the things we don't.

Oh well, at least Dad got his present early this year! Usually I run the mental birth date debate in my head to it's completion, taking too long to finally remember that Dad's is on the 16th, and end up missing them both! But this year - this morning- I went straight into reaction mode and.... well all I can say is, "thank God for 1-800-flowers!"

Here's to continuing the Journey... and remembering birthdays... sooner or later!


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