Thursday, April 21, 2005

Master of Self

He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.
- Lao Tzu

When you shouldn't... knowing you can, but deciding not to....

When you should... not wanting to, but doing it anyway....

When you're unsure... listening to that Inner Voice of Wisdom and following through.....

That's where I want to be! A Master of Self.... Calm, centered, non-reactive, guided from within, in control of my emotions... at peace.

In the world but not of it.

Attributed to Jesus, John 17:14-15 and also a Sufi saying.

Here's a quote from an interesting discussion of this concept:

So the saying isn't "not of the world," it is "in the world but not of it." "In the world" means not meditating on some mountain, not living in a monastery. You're actually living the life of the world. Your life is an adventure, and whatever you are doing in the world is not an end in itself, but the process, a crucible for melting the gold from the ore."

And another:

When we are secure with our daily activities at a soul level, knowing that we are following the highest path that we know, we can be assured that blessings will follow and our earthly needs will be met. When, in fear, we do things our soul cringes at, we lose blessings and it creates a self-perpetuating cycle. We feel we must do "it" in order to survive and we receive less blessings and have more survival issues and so on and on it goes.

Here's to continuing the Journey.... listening... becoming a Master of Self.... living in this world, but not of it.


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