Friday, June 24, 2005

Honey Moon

Did you seen the full moon (the Honey Moon) Wednesday night? Gorgeous!

Whenever I see a full moon, especially low in the sky like this one, I can't help but take a moment and enjoy its beauty. There's just something about it that draws me in... a sense of magic, wonder and awe....
Traditional astrology says that the Moon signifies change and fickleness, and astrologers have long been aware of its influence on earthly events. Today, there's growing scientific evidence to support theories that were once rejected as superstition. Read more about this research.

The Farmers Almanac, which has monitored astrological activity since 1818, claims that when the Moon occupies a particular place in the Zodiac each day at 7:00 a.m. EST, it can play an important role in achieving the best possible results for certain activities. If you're thinking about starting a new project, cutting your hair, doing a little planting, quitting a habit, or potty training a child, better check the Almanac for the Best Days to ensure your success!

Other interesting links:

History of the Farmer's Almanac. This must be the "new" Farmer's Almanac, as the "Best Days" link above is to the "old" Farmer's Almanac.

Calendar of the Moon's activity. You can even get the RSS feed to be informed daily.

See all the Full Moon names. Seems that farmers refer to the June full moon as a "Strawberry Moon"

Atlas of the Moon. With way too many scientific words for me... but cool pictures!

Today is Mid-Summer - the official middle point of the growing season.

More folklore.

Here's to continuing the Journey... enjoying the Moon's glow and watching with glee as science and folklore meld together!


Saturday morning: Forgot to add this yesterday, plus I've been having technical troubles uploading images. But think I may have found a way around it.... Here's the same Moon shot with a little Paint Shop Pro Artistic Brush Strokes....

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