Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Asking, Receiving, Confessing and Clearing

Sunday morning (during church…. sorry!...) I was brainstorming on Gratitude – the theme for the AGO Lenten Concert I’m giving on March 16 (at Trinity UMC).

Several things from the morning’s service sparked me on…. Here are some of the phrases that caught my ear along with my interpretations or “musings” on them…..

From the Gospel lesson – the story of people lifting the crippled man on his cot and lowering him down to Jesus through the roof.…  he “saw their faith.”

They expected a blessing and were determined to get it. They “believed” and then put action behind it!

How many times have we only “wished” for something but chose to have a “pity party” instead of actually DOING something about it?

And from the Epistle reading – one of Paul’s letters to Corinth explaining that when God says “yes” he means “yes,” and that he will “fulfill all his promises.”

I’m reminded of another passage that says something like “… it is his good pleasure to give us the Kingdom of God.” And also the one, “ask and ye shall receive.” Then, in the metaphysical world, there’s the teaching/belief that the universe always says “yes!” to our thoughts – no matter what they are.

I believe the “kingdom of God” is a place of inner peace and joy. And that the “asking” for what we want implies an attitude of hope with a sense of “letting go” and trusting that we will be given what we’ve asked for – or something better!

To me, the ultimate goal or purpose of our lives is to be in unity with God (the Universe, Spirit….. or whatever you choose to call this Higher Power that keeps all the planets from running into each other!) And we are to be in unity within ourselves.

How many times have we said “yes” but really meant “maybe” or “I’m really not sure, but I’ll just go along for now” or even “no, I really do not want to do that but I’m too ______ (you fill in the blank) to stand up and say NO.”

But I’m really just lecturing myself this morning….

To make a long story short… I’m giving a 2nd How Much Joy workshop this Saturday – this time charging a fee – which seems to have brought up all my money issues!

As my coach put it, we’ve inherited this “I want you to give me money, but don’t really give me any money” kind of mental conflict from depression era and post-depression era parents.

Then you put all that on top of multiple variations of “I’m not worthy”….. and you get…. Well, you get one official registration and two maybes for Saturday’s workshop so far.

Which is not enough to pay the rent.

I do also believe that there is an infinite supply of money or anything/everything because, when you get down to it, it’s all energy!

So… to help unclog the flow I’ve just completed a financial “obligation” that I started a year ago…. which is a little embarrassing to confess to….

Last January I offered a special 3-session coaching package (hoping to get new clients) and said that I would donate that entire fee to Tsunami Relief.

There was only one “taker” to this offer. I held his check for a long time, hoping for others, but then finally deposited it. Then… unfortunately, I forgot about it. Through most of last year I could have completed my part of the bargain and transferred the money to Tsunami Relief without a negative financial impact. (Except for the summer months, but that’s another story.)

Now however…. the finances “appear” to be on the tight side again – which is why I’m finally getting around to giving these workshops that I’ve wanted to do for several years now!

But…. this “obligation” has kept coming to my mind for the past several weeks….

Knowing that this money thing is a circular flowing stream of energy, I am trying to unclog the energetic “dam” I’ve created by confessing my “sin” and acknowledging that I have now forwarded the money to Tsunami Relief…. And I am officially “asking” for more than enough money to pay rent and other financial obligations in March.

Aaaaahhhhhhhh…. (deep breath)…. Thank you very much.

Here’s to continuing the Journey… asking, receiving, confessing and clearing the way for financial abundance….


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