If you have not seen The Secret – The Movie, stop everything and go check it out now. It will change your way of thinking…. It will change your life!
I’ve been studying their “secret” for many years now and didn’t realize it was a “secret”. But the way they explain the whole “secret” concept in the movie made it come alive to me, and suddenly it all made sense in a very powerful way. I internalized the concept, in that I finally understood it in my “body” – not just in my “head.”
Each of our lives, as we live it and experience it today is a culmination of our past thoughts and decisions. At every moment we have the power to choose a different way, a different thought…. a different experience.
Each thought we think today – right now – is a building block for what our life will be tomorrow.
You create your own universe as you go along. – Winston Churchill
And whether you create “heaven” or “hell” for yourself is all in how you use The Secret.
You can pay-for-view the 90-minute movie on-line for $4.95. Or get the DVD for $19.95. (you get $5 off the DVD if you purchase the on-line version first.)
It is worth the money and majorly worth the time!
If you’re serious about becoming all that you can be – aka reaching your potential as a human (spiritual) being – watch this movie. Things are a-changing….. and the “final frontier” in the 21st century is…. the Mind.
Here’s to continuing the Journey.... Being, Doing, Having... it all.... (watch the movie!)
- Becky
A new era in mankind....