Friday, March 10, 2006

Why Do We Resist Going Home?


A place of comfort, with a sense of groundedness and acceptance…. a feeling of ‘Yes! This is where I belong’…

If it feels so good and so ‘right’, why do we resist it?

Same reason we don’t do other things that we know make us feel good?… Like exercise, drink more water, call our best friend, follow up on a promising lead, finish that report we’ve been putting off…..

I’ve asked myself that question all my life and still don’t have a good answer!

Why do I put off practicing or writing music or any other of the activities that feed my soul? Only to find when I finally make myself do it, within five minutes or less, I’m totally ‘in the zone’ with it, feeling at home, centered, grounded…. Feeling ‘Yes! This is where I belong.’

Like tonight…. I’ve been putting off practicing all week, letting other things take priority. Finally, I sat down, opened the book, put my fingers on the keys and engaged the hand-eye coordination brain stuff….. and immediately felt – again – WHY do I put this off so hard when doing it is so euphoric!?

Does anybody else have this problem? Or is it just me?!?

I would love to hear some responses and get other people’s experiences on this.

Here’s to continuing the Journey….. asking why…. trying to understand life’s little peculiarities!


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