Well the "secret" is now out and in print! And you can meet three of the co-authors during a special teleseminar series my co-authors and I are hosting.
It's a buy 1 get 1 free "readers only learning event." And that's your "ticket" into the free teleseminar series. Plus, there are some amazing bonuses that go with it!
Each teleseminar will be at 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. EST. Read on for further information about each seminar.
Teleseminar #1 –
Thursday, August 23Having more . . . What do you need to be happy? Are you coded to fully allow and experience the happiness andsuccess that is your birthright? During this interactive teleseminar you will discover what caninterfere with success and happiness and you will be shown how using the Rockit Method, we can identify and eliminate the unconscious coding or barriers to your success and happiness. You will also learn how to use your body as a compass to navigate through the choices your life offers. Dr Karen Vizer is recognized for her groundbreaking work in the field of mental conditioning and coding. Personal habits, fears and coding can keep us from realizing our dreams. Karen has sourced and refined the powerful process known as The Rockit Method of Consciousness shifting. She has helped thousands of friends and clients live from the peace, joy, happiness and purpose that connects them to fulfillment and success. http://www.karenvizer.com/
Teleseminar #2 –
Tuesday, August 28Soul Success: The Next Level of FulfillmentHave you followed the traditional formula for success—get acollege degree, secure a corporate job, earn money, take a vacation once a year, and yet deep inside, you yearn for something more? In this interactive seminar, Dr. Michelle will teach you to attune to your unique soul’s language, unlock the jewels of your heart, and create a visual blueprint to begin rebuilding your life to be in alignment with your divine destiny. Dr. Michelle is known as the Soul Diva Coach, Speaker, and Author. Michelle knows that there is a divine spark within each of us. Her life’s work is to empower herself and others to fully shine their bright light, master their life, and share what she learns along the way. She helps you to see the light, come up with bright ideas for your life, integrate your humanity and divinity, and shine more brightly in all dimensions of your life. http://www.brightlightcoach.com/
Teleseminar #3 –
Thursday, August 30Are You Happy? Really??In this teleclass we will talk about the definition of happinessand especially your definition of happiness. We will go through ahappiness quiz that Becky has created. Becky will take everyone through a process on "How to Immediately Begin Creating More Happiness". We'll finish up with a short affirmation session to anchor in your commitment to creating more happiness in your life.Becky Waters is a certified life coach whose passion is to help her clients move past their fears, discover their true selves, and get on with the passionate pursuit of their dreams. She is the author/editor of “Create a Happy Tude” a semi-monthly ezine that gives tips and resources for keeping a healthy, happy, prosperous attitude. http://www.spiritualcoachingcenter.com/
You will receive the telebridge number to dial in to the calls PLUS you will receive access the recordings after the calls!
To purchase your copy/get one free AND register for the teleseminar series go here: http://www.spiritualcoachingcenter.com/bookscc.html
Here's to continuing the Journey... wishing you success and happiness in all areas of your life!
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