Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Soul of America

This is such an important day, I wanted to create some kind of Something to give encouragement, hope, perspective....? I wasn't sure.

I just felt I needed to DO something!

I had two hours before my next appointment... but all the many ideas were getting all jumbled up and I couldn't get a clear reading on which direction to go.

Then, about 25 minutes before my appointment was to arrive, I was overcome with an urgency to just sit at the piano and PLAY! I was thinking it would be a meditation-type something....

After I finished playing, I realized that I had forgotten to turn on the mic! GREAT!!

With 15 minutes left, I turned on the mic and sat down again....

And something totally different came out.....

The Soul of America...

... a sense of determination... and the whisper.... "I will survive this too"

My gift to you...

Here's to continuing the Journey... following through when inspired... allowing the unexpected...

- Becky

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