About a month ago I was experimenting with a new goals process I'd come across. The steps were to ...
- Write out your goals as 'intentions' (i.e. positive affirmations)
- Declare them twice a day by reading them out loud and visualizing each one as already accomplished
- Then, choose one intangible goal (like those that have to do with basic personality or character qualities) and once a day do a short self-hypnosis routine to anchor it into your subconscious mind
The big intangible goal I was working on was "It's now easy for me to talk to others about what I do in any situation." One of the other intangible goals I'd written was "It's actually fun to go to marketing/networking events and share with people what I do." And this was really the "picture" I had in mind when I was doing the "easy for me to talk to others" one.
If you're an extrovert and love being around lots of people, this may not seem like a big deal. However, as a life-long extreme Introvert, the idea of going to any place filled with a room full of strangers and having to chat with them about anything typically fills me with dread and trepidation. It's not even near my list of "fun" things to do! And of course, because of this, I haven't racked up a lot of experience doing it either.
However.... What you focus on, you create.
Last week I was asking a friend how her new business was doing and she started telling me about her networking adventures. She was much like me.... a total newbie at it and not necessarily the first thing on her fun-list. But she was finding that she was actually having fun with it.
Then she invited me to go with her to the next BNI meeting. And for some reason, I said okay.... even though she said it was at 7:00 in the morning - ugh!!!
And low and behold.... This morning while driving to the meeting, I realized that I was actually "happy" about going. AND there was no nervous, dread kind of feeling in my stomach. I was actually looking forward to being there!!
That's when it hit me.... "Holy #$%^&, Batman. This stuff really works!"
Okay.... I didn't suddenly become an extrovert and talk to everyone there.... But I DID have a good time meeting people and came away from it feeling good, and energized to get busy with my day..... Which is what I'd set as my intention while getting ready this morning.
What you focus on... you really do create!
Here's to continuing the Journey... setting intentions and goals, talking to new people, and .... having fun!!
I have some thoughts on this, but a thoughtful comment deserves more time and less beer than I possess right now.
Short version: It's not about "What you do" but about "What you are".
Great Post!
Did that really work for you? And that raises the bigger question, I guess, of why it actually worked...
Was it a mind over matter deal or straight hypnosis. I like the idea but have a tough time letting go of the idea that hard work and traditional focus can help me achieve all of my goals...
Anyway, great idea and thanks for sharing. I will have to give that a shot!
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