Monday, December 28, 2009

How to make 2010 your Best Year ever

We all know New Year's resolutions never work for most people. In fact, 4 out of 5 people will give up on them by the end of January!

The biggest 2 reasons why are...
  1. The goal/resolution is too general.
  2. There's no real motivation to achieve it.
As you take time this week to reflect on where you are and where you'd like to be at the end of 2010, here are some suggestions for making 2010 your Best Year ever....
  • Choose ONE thing and channel all your energy into that one aspect of your behavior. Multi-tasking dissipates your energy and can lead to overwhelm.
  • As you mull over your choices, keep these questions in mind:  What do you want to have? Who do you want to be? How do you want to feel?
  • Once you've decided that one thing, write it down, determine a "due date," and set up a plan to get you there. Be specific and set up bench marks along the way.
  • Expect resistance and feeling "uncomfortable." These visitors always show up when you're working to make real changes in your life. Have a plan for overcoming these and other sabotage habits that may come along.
  • Keep your eyes on the benefits. WHY do you want this? Look at your answers to "How do you want to feel?" for clues.
  • Keep track of your progress and reward yourself for the small steps. Celebrate when you reach the mile stones.
  • Get support. Share your goal with a trusted friend, enlist a "goal-buddy," or hire a coach. Do whatever it takes to stay motivated and moving forwared.
  • Have fun! If you get off track, that's okay. It's just part of the Journey. Don't beat yourself up. Just dust yourself off, refocus, and get a move on!
Here's to continuing the Journey... setting goals, paving the way for success... staying the course.


PS. If you'd like help clarifying your goal, uncovering hidden obstacles, or with any of the things mentioned above, I'd love to talk with you. Just send me an email or go ahead and schedule a no-cost 2010 Strategy Session.

1 comment:

Jacky Cheng said...

you've certainly given some great advice here! it is true that it's better to be prepared for goals and resolutions.

for me, new years aren't opportunities to resolve to be healthier or nicer, because (i think) people should always strive to better themselves.

great post though! i'll definitely be back to read more :)