Sunday, April 04, 2010

Are you living in the GO Light?

This morning on my way to church, while stopped at a traffic light, I watched a bird fly around the traffic light then make it's way up into the bottom of the light fixture. I was fascinated.... I didn't know there was space in there to do that!

But, seeing how we have birds nested up in our dryer vent this spring, I guess if there's a will, there's a way..... and "home" can be anywhere you choose.

Hm.... "living in the green light" I thought. Then I realized my "Freudian slip" calling it a "green light" instead of a "red light."

Pondering further, this question came to me... Are you living in the "green" light or the "red" light?

The green light could mean you're always on the go, never stopping. Or it could mean you're open to new opportunities that come your way, and willing to let go of whatever might be holding you back.

The red light could mean you've got your foot on the brakes or you may be stopping yourself in some way from moving forward. Or it might mean you always 'look before you leap' taking the time to evaluate which direction is best for you.

What are the red lights and green lights in your life? And what are they signaling you to do?

Which one is more "home" to you?

Here's to continuing the Journey.... stopping... going.... choosing.......



Daily Spirtual Tools said...

I enjoyed this post. Sometimes we go, go, go, and forget to stop. Just stopping and breathing is a great tool. Thanks for the reminder. I just wrote a post about breathing called "Living From the Heart" and would love your feedback. Blessings, Sherry

Unknown said...

Most people just think of life of I have to be some where and run, run and never stop to think of what is around them take time to breath enjoy the beauty of mother earth and the joys she give us each day. I have to get the kids to socker practice or I have to make this meeting. Yes red and green lights are always there to remind us stop breath then go at a steady calm pace and enjoy what gifts the universe has for each day. Love this post and spring is a time to rejoyce of the beauty and gifts the universe has to give to us to enjoy.