It's finally PUBLISHED! Signed the contract November 14, 2001... but who's counting days, months, years...?!
It's in Hope Publishing's new on-line hymnal. Check it out and tell me what you think.
No, really..... please check it out. I see some major problems with their on-line format - one being that they are way too trusting. You can download a copy. But then it's up to the dowloader to come back and fill out the official form to make multiple copies and pay for that priviledge.
There are other on-line catalogues that you can look, listen and print out a page. Some even have the word "sample" encoded in the background. Some you can download the pdf file, but you can't print it. But to be able to print out the whole piece, you pay first. Here are just a few:
When you get a few minutes, please check out Hope Publishing's on-line hymnal and give me some feedback. I think their system has enormous potential for abuse. But I do realize that I am slightly biased! So I'd really like some "outsider" viewpoints before I write them a letter.
Also, they have no mention of any composer for the hymn tune when you click on a hymn to view the lyrics and credits. (I looked at several other selections also. No composer for any of them.) That does not make me happy either.
On the other hand..... I do think it's fascinating that I got this letter (the long awaited for over the past four years letter) that the piece is finally being published after deciding on my new intention to BE a working, money-generating composer.....
Here's to continuing the Journey... setting intentions and then watching in amazement at how eveything falls into place!
1 comment:
Thanks Mark. Appreciate you visiting and leaving a comment! I actually found a very interesting copyright site that I did not know about by following links that you left, trying to find out more about this "anonymous Mark". Yahoo! (Life - it's all a "process.")
Thanks again for stopping by. Hope you'll come back to visit. Best of luck with your blog!
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