This "7 Soul Messages for Spiritual Healing" Series is meant to offer a different perspective, or a new way of looking at things, and give some tips to help heal those "imbalances and disharmonies" we've collected along the way.... (see original post)
Soul Message # 2: Take Care of Yourself First
Everytime you ride in an airplane you're reminded of this.... if there's an emergency, put the oxygen mask on YOURSELF first, then help those around you.
But in everyday life, conventional wisdom tells us to do the opposite - take care of others... put yourself last.
It's even programed into most of us as we pay bills - we pay everyone else first and then if there's some left....
But what usually happens? There's none left -or we at least we feel like there's none left.
Same when you give and give to others.... pretty soon there's nothing left and you begin to feel drained and resentful.
But like Beverly De Angelis says, You've got to fill your own love take.
You do this by taking care of yourself - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Do you give yourself enough sleep to feel refreshed in the morning?
Do you eat nutritious food that gives your body the energy it needs to maintain health?
Do you exercise to maintain the flexibility and strength your body can give you?
Do you give yourself a mental "time-out" when your brain is tired?
Do you you move beyond your fears and let go of worry and "what if" games?
Can you maintain a positive attitide even when things are not going according to plan?
Can you maintain a sense of calm when everyone else is in a panic?
Do you feel your emotions fully - the positive ones and the negative ones?
Do you have a system to work through the negative emotions that come up?
Do you have a spiritual practice that you do daily to keep you centered and grounded?
Do you know your higher purpose and mission in life?
Are your thoughts, words and actions inline with your values and purpose?
We aren't here to be ordinary. We're here to step beyond self-imposed boundaries and limitations. Taking care of yourself on all levels - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually - allows your Soul to shine through and gives your Spirit freedom to fly.
Here's to continuing the Journey... taking care of your Self on all levels.... breaking out of the bonds of "ordinary".....
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