Over the next several days, I will be posting a series of 7 Soul Messages for Spiritual Healing.
But first, let's look at what I mean by "spiritual healing."
"Spiritual" has to do with the intangible and non-material... those things "of, concerned with, or affecting the soul."
To "heal" means to "restore to health; to restore to spiritual wholeness."
So, when I speak of "spiritual healing" I'm talking about returning to a state of balance and harmony; reaching a sense of "unity" within ourselves.
The word "perfection" as referenced in "Journey to Perfection" refers to "lacking nothing essential to the whole; complete of its nature or kind; pure." To me, our journey - this adventure called LIFE is all about moving toward a state of wholeness, unity.... "perfection."
When we were born we were pure love and light, in harmony with God, Source, All-That-Is. As we grow up, we take in the energies of those around us and learn about life here on planet Earth through their words, actions, attitudes, and beliefs.
Unfortunately though, most of those who raised us were not fully in a state of balance and harmony themselves, so we also picked up their fears, doubts, limiting beliefs, and perceptions as well.
So as adults on a spiritual path, we spend a great deal of time working through and "healing" all the imbalances and disharmonies we learned along the way.
The "7 Soul Messages for Spiritual Healing" are meant to give you a different perspective, or a new way of looking at things, and some tips you can use to help you heal those "imbalances and disharmonies" as you move forward on your journey.
Soul Message # 1: Look for the Abundance
Do you tend to see the glass half empty or the glass half full? Whichever you look for, you will find. It's the law of attraction at work - what you focus on grows.
When you look for the abundance, you will find it. When you look for what's lacking, you'll find that too.
In the Bible it says, "seek and ye shall find." Another way of saying that is... you always get what you expect.
There is an abundance of everything - time, energy, love, money - you just have to be willing to see it. As Wayne Dyer says, "When you BELIEVE it, you'll SEE it."
Begin where you are - at home. Focus on being grateful for what you already have. Be willing to release any fear of lack or loss. Remember, they are only perceptions - And perceptions can be changed.
Align your energy - your thoughts, feelings, and actions - with your desires and what you want to manifest.
Then have fun! Pretend you are the chef of your life.... You make the cake (the substance of your life) and you get to decorate it (dress it up, dress it down, use it) any way you want.
What you focus on grows.... expect to find the surplus!
And you will.
Here's to continuing the Journey... seeking and finding... abundance in all things...
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