Monday, November 23, 2009

7 Soul Messages for Spiritual Healing - Message 7

This "7 Soul Messages for Spiritual Healing" Series is meant to offer a different perspective, or a new way of looking at things, and give some tips to help heal those "imbalances and disharmonies" we've collected along the way.... (see original post)

Soul Message #7:  Communication is The Golden Key

Clear communication is critical in relationships - whether at work or at home.

At work... If you're the supervisor or manager, you must know what you want and be able to express it in a way that is understood by your employees....

If you're the employee, you have to have a clear understanding of what's expected, and be able to communicate any needs or limitions to fellow colleagues or management....

At home, communicating needs, desires, wants, feelings, and upsets is essential for harmonious co-habitation!

You also need to be able to communicate with your Self.

To communcate means to "be in touch" and... don't you really have to "be in touch" with yourself BEFORE you can communicate honestly with another person?
  • How can you truthfully speak about your needs and desires if you haven't made time to reflect on what they are?
  • How can you set healthy boundaries or limits when you haven't explored what really means for you?
  • How can you verbelize an upset when you're unclear about what it is you're actually feeling?
Sometimes it may seem that not speaking up - not communicating - is good judgement. But how many times has it really been FEAR - not "discretion" - that kept you from reaching out?

Sharing what has been withheld can be a transformational, healing experience. It helps you clarify your ideas, feelings, and position. And it restores trust. This is true whether the "sharing" is with another person or with your Self - your Higher Self.

Writing down your thoughts and feelings on paper is the best way I know to honestly get "in touch" with your Self. You can sit and just "think" about it... but it's too easy to get off track, start day-dreaming, or allow distracting mind-chatter to get in the way.

Using a pen and paper to physically write things down slows your brain so that you CAN actually think! Plus the kinesthetic act of writing taps in to the subconscious mind where non-verbalized thoughts, feelings, and beliefs live.

Writing also helps you tap in to your intuition, which is the language of the Soul.

Journal Exercise

Start keeping track of your ideas, feelings, insights, questions, beliefs, goals, commitments, etc. No need to write in it everyday, but write in it at least 3-4 times a week.

Writing things down opens the door for what's deep inside and gives it permission to come out and be heard. And with that comes growth, change, and deeper understanding.

And the more deeply we understand ourselves, the clearer we can communcate to others.... Because communication IS the golden key.... to healthy, happy relationships with others... and with ourselves.

Here's to continuing the Journey... speaking up and speaking out.... communicating clearly from the heart...


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