Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Happy Winter Solstice

Tonight will be the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. In the coming days, there will start to be more daylight as the nights grow shorter.

Celebrating this time of growing light in the midst of the winter's darkness, symbolized hope for our ancestors. The Christian Church melded this holiday with it's own celebration of the birth of the Christ Child, also a symbol of light coming into the darkness of the world. (more detailed history here)

However you celebrate the season, take a few moments to stop and reconnect with your highest potential and celebrate the birth of the Light within yourself.

Let go of old resentments and ill feelings toward people who have treated you badly in some way. Let go of whatever is keeping you focused on the past.

Imagine.... what would it feel like to step into 2006 with a clean slate - without any baggage?

As the new year approaches, set an intention to move forward with your dreams, your goals, your life... and make 2006 the best year ever!

To get started, try this Five-Minute Winter Solstice Meditation from Stuart Wilde
(excerpt from his December 15th "A" List Newsletter. To sign up, go to

At midnight go outside or stand on a balcony and face north. Take an ice cube
with you in your left hand. And place your right hand on your heart and take
three deep breaths and relax. Then in your mind’s eye, bring up anyone that
you hold rancor or resentment toward - people that have ripped you off or
treated you badly. Bring the first one in your mind’s eye and breath them in
eleven times and as you breath out send them love and wish them well in life,
release them from your energy. Then bring up the next one and so forth until you
are done. Then finally when you are finished, take eleven very special
breaths for yourself; forgive yourself for any shortcomings and vow to become a
better person in this next year. The ice cube is there to remind you of the
freezing cold ambience of hell. And as it melts in your hand it also reminds you
how energy draining are anger, resentment and conflict.

See you at midnight!

Here's to continuing the Journey.... releasing the past and stepping into your full potential.


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