Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Don't Limit God?

Growing up in Mainstream Church, Southern USA, I learned that asking God for something specific - i.e telling God what you wanted - limited God in some way.... so that (s)he couldn't bring you what you really needed.

In some metaphysical teachings I've heard "don't ask for specifics" - just focus on generalities and leave it "open".

Then in other new thought circles I've been taught, "YES! Absolutely ask for exactly what you want and envision it in every detail."

So for years I've battled in my mind about which the hell way DO you "ask so that you can receive"? Do you set specific goals? Do you affirm, "I now make $100,000 dollars a year" (when you're making only 50% of that or less?) Or do you affirm something more "reasonable"?

A couple of days ago it hit me like a "duh" thump on the head.......

It's both... And.

You have to know what you want - exactly - otherwise you end up in a vague fog wishing and hoping for "something" better. All the while, your real focus is either on what you currently have and don't want or what you don't have that you want..... Either way, the focus is on the "don't have" - the "wanting" - the "lack of" - because that is the clearest picture in your mind.

So you get more of what is currently in your life - and in your mind's eye or focus.

You remain a "victim" of your world, waiting for something outside of you to come "save" you.

(Been there, done that. Many times!)

Knowing what you want - precisely and exactly - enables you to "see" a new picture in your mind. (A "new reality" so to speak.) And the more details - especially feelings - you can add to the picture, the clearer and sharper the picture.

But it doesn't stop there.

You must "see" this New Reality with a handful of detachment.

The feeling of what you want is the fuel. The details of how it arrives is like the "vehicle".

If you're expecting it to come to you in a yellow Ferrari, for instance, and a blue Jeep Cherokee shows up, you'll be left standing on the curb because you were too focused on a different way to get there - in this case the yellow Ferrari - and didn't even notice the Jeep Cherokee.

Adding "this or something better" to your picture leaves the door open for what you want to come to you in the best way for you.

Plus, I always add "for the highest good of all" as well. (We don't live in a vacuum. Whatever it is we want is usually going to involve other people in some way. Putting out the energy of "win-win" is good Karma as well as just good "metaphysical manners"!)

However, it doesn't stop here either.

Once the picture is in your mind, you're feeling all the wonderful emotions as if what you want is already part of your current reality, and you're open to it showing up in whatever way is best for everyone concerned....

Now you must take inspired action.

Sitting on the couch, visualizing, feeling good, and putting out good energy won't cut it. It's a third dimensional world we live in. You've got to DO something to bring it into the physical world.

So, when you get a nudge or an idea to go talk to somebody or do something or say something..... GO DO IT - SAY IT.... Follow through. Even if it's scary. (Actually, especially if it's scary!) These are promptings from Spirit / God.

You're "new reality" is on it's way. Following through on the nudges or ideas is your demonstration of Faith.

So really.... it's not putting your faith into action that limit's God.

What do you think?

Here's to continuing the Journey... getting a clear picture of what you want, feeling how awesome it is, and showing your faith by taking inspired action.


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