Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Great Way to Send Love

Visualization is "seeing" in your mind's eye - or imagining.

Some people think they can't "do" it. However, I think as humans we do it so naturally that we aren't even aware of it. For instance....

Think about your car. Did you picture it in your mind? If you didn't get a clear picture, you probably at least got a sense of it, right?

Think about an event in your past, like the best birthday you ever had....

Some kind of image and feeling came to mind, didnt it?

When you remember a past event, or imagine a future event, or think about anything, your mind gets some sort of image or picture or feeling. That's in essence, visualization.

AND your mind does not know the difference of whether the event - or what you are "seeing" - is real, as in happening right now, or if it's imagined, something that happened in the past, or in the future, or if you're just "making it up."

The thing is.... whatever you put your attention on, that is where energy flows. It's like sending a signal out to the Universe that says "this is important, this is what I want". The more you think about it - visualize it - and the more emotion you put behind it, the bigger the signal gets.....  (even if it's something you consciously say you don't want)

But.... getting back to love.....

Visualization is a great tool to use to send love. Remember, energy flows in the direction of your attention..... And adding emotion gives it a super-charge.

Here's an exercise to try this Valentine's Day - or any day....
  1. Sit quietly and take several deep slow breaths.
  2. Put your awareness on your heart. You may want to place your hand on your heart.
  3. Think of someone you love and allow yourself to smile and remember them in your mind.
  4. Imagine that you are breathing through your heart and with every exhale, imagine that you are sending out loving, healing energy to this person. You may want to add color to that energy, seeing it as a white beam of light coming out of your heart going into their heart. Or some other color.
  5. Breathe, smile, focus, and imagine connecting with them in this way for several minutes, or as long as you like.
My new Heart-Speak Meditation has a variation of this visualization exercise on it with original, soothing music behind it. I invite you to check it out at

Here's to continuing the Journey..... sending love and healing to you on this Valentine's Day.


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