Monday, December 21, 2009

Take a Moment to Pause

The Winter Solstice - also known as Yule -  is the longest night and shortest day of the year. People in Ancient times were more closely connected with the cycles of nature than we are today, and to them, when the sun started appearing longer (instead of shorter and shorter) it was like a "rebirth of the sun" for them. A very real time to celebrate because they understood their dependence on the sunshine for warmth, for food, and for life itself.

Winter in itself represents a time to slow down - to regroup - a 'hybernation' period. However, in our society today, we tend to go against our (animal) nature - feeling an inner calling to slow down. Instead, this is one of the crazy busiest seasons and we find ourselves running around, caught up in the mania!

Today especially - in celebration of Winter Solstice - take a moment to pause and catch your breath! Give yourself 30 minutes to relax and enjoy a cup of tea or hot chocolate. Take an hour nap in the glow of the Christmas Tree lights. Or just take 10 minutes to sit and reflect on the joy of the season.....

Your Spirit with thank you!!

Here's to continuing the Journey... getting back to our roots, taking a moment to pause.... giving our Spirit a much needed rest!


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