Sunday, March 14, 2010

Listen to the quiet voice inside

"As you grow and progress on your spiritual journey,
you want to be free to decide who you really are.
Tuning out the chatter of the ego voice
that keeps you enslaved to a limited sense of self
will help you go beyond your usual experience of yourself."
- New Moon in Aries email from The Kabbalah Center

You can choose to listen to your head - your ego - intellect. Or you can choose to listen to your heart - your intuition - the voice of God inside.

The ego voice always operates from a place of fear and limitation and will tell you all the reasons why you Can't.....

The "quiet voice inside" - the voice of Spirit/God/Intuition - will always come from a place of love, peace, and expansiveness and will gently nudge you toward growth....

But you have to decide "Who You Really Are"

Are you an embodiment of fear, limitation, and darkness?

Or are you an embodiment of Love, expansiveness, and light?

Like it says in the Bible, you can't serve two masters. Which will you choose today? Right now?

Fear and limitation? Or Love and unlimited possibilities?

Here's to continuing the Journey.... every day, in every moment...... choosing 'whom we will serve'....


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