Thursday, April 22, 2010

What is Sacred about today?

"When we acknowledge that all of life is sacred and that each act is an act of choice and therefore sacred, then life is a sacred dance lived consciously each moment. When we live at this level, we participate in the creation of a better world."
- Scout Cloud Lee, Author, Singer-Songwriter, Coach, Vision Us, Inc.

The word "sacred" means to make special; to regard with reverence or respect.

Something becomes "sacred" because we say that it is and "make it so."

You take the moment, the activity, the object..... whatever it is, and giving your total attention to it, make it "special" in some way. You take it out of the realm of "ordinary" and put it into the realm of "holy."
Remember as you go through your day......
It can be something as simple as taking a walk during your lunch break and noticing the beauty of nature around you with your full attention.

It could be putting down whatever you're doing when your child gets home from school and putting your total focus on what he or she is saying.

It might be making eye contact with the person at the check-out counter and saying a heart-felt "thank you."

It could even be giving yourself a moment in the middle of a stressful day to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and remember, "this too shall pass."

Or maybe it's simply appreciating the beauty of the day on your drive home and giving thanks that you are alive and well.

Or taking a moment to indulge in feelings of gratitude for your family, friends, and all the blessings in your life.

What is Sacred about your Today?
Every moment - in each thing we do, think, or say - each one is an act of choice.

Everything about life is sacred when we look at it with reverence, respect, admiration, gratitude....

Here's to continuing the Journey.... making every moment a conscious act..... turning the "ordinary" into the Sacred... living with awareness....


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